
A Statement on the elections and our Sept. 18 event

We gathered on September 18, 2024 to talk about the U.S. elections. We heard three panelists’ presentations: veteran activist and analyst Bill Fletcher Jr.; Vice-Presidential candidate Melina Reimann Abdullah; and Rising Majority National Director Loan Tran.

Then we broke up into smaller groups and talked about what we’d heard and what we think. These are the central points of that conversation based on notes from those groups.

If we actually believe we can win this struggle and fundamentally transform this society, we must view these elections tactically and make tactical choices about them.

Our priority, as a movement, is to stop fascism/authoritarianism (represented by the Trump campaign) from taking over the government and that means we must elect Kamala Harris President. Our organizing will be easier under the Democrats neo-liberalism than fascism.

Some of us are opting to support a third party effort; most of us indicated we would be voting for the Democratic Party ticket.

In every group, there was concern about what comes after the election.

Many participants expressed concern about possible complacency after a Harris victory: “we averted a total disaster so we can go back to business as usual.” The consensus seemed to be for our movements to keep pushing and organizing.

One objective that resonated in several groups was to end the electoral college, seen as a fundamentally archaic and un-democratic institution.

There was support for the “united front” approach advanced by Rising Majority’s Loan Tran and discussion as to who would comprise such a front and how it might be organized.

Finally, there was discussion about what Radical Elders itself should be doing. All groups believed we should be expanding our relationships and activities. One group felt we should identify community based groups with which to partner in order to broaden our reach: faith institutions, service organizations and other grassroots groups.

There was a general consensus to continue to recruit to and expand the Radical Elders organization but that this effort be more organized and planned. One group suggested we do this through a “pilot program” based in a few cities where we have groups of members.

In general, all groups expressed the need to continue the conversation in RE and in our movements.

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