The Agenda — March 26, 2022 – Gathering of Elders

Welcome, “Who’s in the Room” Exercise and Presentation of Work Up to Now

15 minutes – Alfredo Lopez

Introduction to Breakout Groups

5 minutes – Maritza Arrastía

Breakout Groups – first session –

45 minutes –

* Why are you here and what do you think of our mini-program?

How would you like it to be used?

Back Together as a Whole

20 minutes – Dorotea Manuela & Dave Lindorff

Breakout group reports: one thing there was agreement on or

one thing there was clear disagreement on

Break (10 min)

Introduction to Breakout Groups

5 minutes – Sam Anderson

Breakout groups – second session

45 minutes —

Issues you think are important and what do we do about them?

Do we need an organization of some kind and what kind?

Closing session

45 minutes – Ida L. Castro,JD and Alfredo López

What did we say in the groups and what now

(190 minutes)